
Monday, August 1, 2011


Pregnancy is not a natural state for me. Some women when pregnant glow, I am not one of these women. I tend to survive! I always want the elusive perfect happy pregnancy, the one where Im not in pain almost everyday and I don't have to take pills for various conditions from nausea to heartburn, but as He-Man says it "ain't going to happen" and it only seems to get worse each time.

There is however one thing I do love more than anything about being pregnant - the kicks! It was the one thing I missed after Monkey was born. I love the feeling of their little feet and hands and sometimes heads moving around my belly. The fact you can almost play games with them as you get further along. The movement is very reassuring and comforting to me. This time is no different except that I was told at 20 weeks the reason Im not feeling much movement is that the placenta is at the front. Well little one heard that and decided not to follow protocol so since then has been kicking enough for me to feel it. As if to say I am here, Im doing good and Im not going to let some doctor tell me how to act! I LOVE IT!!!! This week He-Man even got to feel his first kick.

This pregnancy still doesn't feel too real, maybe it was the lack of having to "try" so hard as we did the last two times or the fact I have been so ill, or maybe its just because Im so busy with my other two. I want this so badly and Im scared to really believe its going to happen.  The kicks are helping.

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