
Monday, August 22, 2011


This concept was first introduced to me when I was teaching. Im not sure who exactly coined the phrase M,C, or B but emotional banking always helped behavior at school in the long run. I think I need to do some with Monkey.

Now he is sick and according to the doc his ear infection was pretty shocking (She was quite surprised we had taken so long to bring him in, unfortunately my Monkey doesn't show many signs of sickness until he is really bad so what can I do.) but after a weekend of temper tantrums and frustration (on both sides) this week we are focusing on banking up the positives, and focused time. I realise I have not been at my best when it comes to how I have delt with situations lately. Tiredness and pregnancy pain I suppose, but I think Monkey especially needs me to listen a little more carefully and with more intention. This can be especially difficult when there is so much to be done. Time to take a step back I think and refocus.

 So since we are off kindy and swimming we will hopefully be doing some activities I have been wanting to tackle with the babes and spending some time just doing stuff together. Active listening here I come!

This should be made a little easier by the beautiful weather there is forecast so far. Lovely warm sun so we can spend some time outside.

The banking started on Sunday evening with a little bike practice up and down the street.

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