
Sunday, July 31, 2011

Lazy Sunday

Its been almost a week since the wonderful D left us after an incredible week. I was so happy to have such a good friend staying and helping me out. It was lovely having someone who loves my kids almost as much as I do around giving me a hand and just hanging out. The kids had a ball with her.

We broke out the bubble machine for a bit of a break.. Miss Boo has never seen bubbles like this, she was fascinated. It was great as they were kept busy for a little while while we did some more unpacking.

Over the weekend we hired a car and headed out to Ballarat Wildlife park and Sovereign hill, both places He-Man and I visited the last time we were here. We had had a ball and decided it was time for Monkey to pat a kangaroo. So the first stop was the wildlife park.

Boy these Kangaroos were hungry...

We even had a chance to meet a very cute and soft Koala..

After we headed to Sovereign hill where Monkey attended school, danced in the street and panned for gold. 

The following day we chilled out at home and then headed out to ScienceWorks. We love visiting this museum. The kids can really burn off a lot of energy running around and doing the activities both indoors and out. 

Finally the day before D left we headed over to the MCG. Not being a sport buff I wasn't too sure what to expect but it is truly an impressive stadium. Though the cafe is quite expensive! Outside the kids played with a ball in the puddles and sun. The perfect moment! After going for my 20 week scan we ended the day with dinner in Hardware lane.

This weekend we got a car. It isn't "our" car but it is a loaner until the new one is ready. Now that I have finally gotten my head around the fact we are going to need a car if I am to stay off crutches I cant wait to get our real one. He-Man head out and got new car seats on Saturday. The kids love them and were happy to test them out on Sunday.

I love days like today. Woke up a little later than usual. Spent time cuddling with Monkey reading stories in bed before having pancakes for breakfast. Then got ourselves organised and headed out to get stuff for Monkeys invites and look at a cupboard for the playroom. After we cruised down to Brighton for lunch and a play at the pirate playground. Our daughter is becoming a real dare devil. She has no fear going down the biggest slide she can without caring if someone is there to catch her as she flies off the end. Finally ice creams by the water before heading home to relax before dinner.

Check out the amazing view from the playground. 

Hope everyone has had a wonderful weekend. 

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