
Thursday, August 18, 2011

Rainy Day

Its grey and rainy outside.

The kids have been couped up inside recovering from colds all day.

We are all going a bit stir crazey.

So what is a mummy to do???

Make playdough of course, there is nothing like playing with fresh warm playdough on a cold winters day.  Monkey chose his current favorite colour "Pink" and away we went. I Made it using my favorite tried and true no cook recipe with one adjustment. I didnt add the salt to the flour instead I dissolved as much as I could in the hot water and didn't use what hadn't dissolved. It was great no grainy bits and so soft! Both Monkey and Miss Boo loved it. Amazingly Miss Boo didnt even eat too much of it which she does with the really salty stuff (doubly glad as I had used normal flour not the gluten free kind).

There is something so relaxing about just sitting and squishing playdough. It was a great way to calm down end the day on a positive note.

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