
Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Gluten Free...

Well we have started Miss Boo on a gluten free diet. Shes not allergic but we suspect an intolerance, which, if there is Im hoping shell grow out of. We don't eat much in the way of gluten filled food at night anyway but have noticed that especially if we have pizza for dinner she will be extremely unsettled at night and need lots of help sleeping. Since starting to explore this idea I have been doing some reading and some of the other common symptoms like having a distended tummy she regularly has at night. We cant remember if Monkeys tummy ever stuck out as much.., but just put our lack of noticing down to him being a little chubbie bubbie. Now I really do wonder!

Now I would love to say we have noticed a huge difference in the last week but unfortunately Miss Boo has been sick and up all night with us anyway. We are continuing and will see how it goes in the next few weeks.

It has been a huge learning curve for me trying to find food that she can have for snacks and lunches and things. I never knew that most rice puffs had gluten in, who'd have thought. When I look at the food Im starting to give her now its probably a lot better for her. Not that her diet was really bad or anything its just she's eating a lot more whole foods as snacks. I do have to think ahead a bit more when it comes to her lunch so if we are out I have something available especially as I still don't know the safe eat out options yet. But I am so far quite impressed with the selection of foods at my local supermarket.

Today I made my first gluten free treat. I made cupcakes for Monkey's kindy to celebrate his birthday. I have to confess I did make them from a packet as Im not confident enough to make gluten free cakes from scratch yet. I was really impressed with how they turned out. The icing wasn't too flash as it had to be dairy free and Monkey wanted pink and blue icing. They tasted a little like angel food cake however and went down a treat.
excuse the bad light.. they really were pink and blue!

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