
Saturday, September 3, 2011

What a week???

Spring is here and boy have we kick started it with a busy week...

 Its been wonderful having family to visit. The kids just thrive with the extra attention and cuddles. Miss Boo has been saying new words every day. We have been having a little trouble with Monkey hearing us lately. It all started with his speech getting less clear and then he got a severe ear infection, after which he was having a lot of difficulty hearing us. So we made a trip to the ear specialists to have his hearing tested.  Poor boy has fluid in his middle ear causing some of his hearing in both ears to be lost, its no wonder he cant understand what I say all the time. I would imagine it is very frustrating for him. Next week we head back to the docs with the results and find a solution hopefully. 

Proof that the babies help with the dishes

Learning new skills everyday.

Gran and Grandad brought the play gym over.... barely unpacked and Miss Boo is already scaling it like a pro!

Tuesdays highlight was the Fathers day celebration at Kindy. Monkey was lucky to have both Dad and Grandad there to share the hour with.. He was so excited about having them there he was bouncing all day. I love the pride he takes in being able to share what he is learning with us. He was so happy to introduce them both to his teachers and couldn't wait to show them the ropes. 

It is so empowering for children to have their learning enthusiastically enjoyed and valued by their parents. I was sad to hear that a couple of kids didn't have anyone to share it with, especially as it was stressed that it didn't have to be a father and it was only and hour at lunchtime. I do realise that it is a hard thing to get time out of work but sending another family member is just as good. It just made me feel sad for those couple of kids. 
Cutting skills

Walking the line...practicing balancing while walking in a circle. 
Trips to the park and museum and playing in the back yard most days meant exhausted children at night, usually.  The week passed all too quickly.

Our little climbing guru..

If no one will open the sandpit then I just have to do it myself!!!!

Building at the museum.
Bird envy....Looking for a way out!!! 
On Thursday we headed out to an awesome little beach for lunch and a play after Monkeys hearing test. The smell as I got out of the car was enough to relax me.. sea air and seaweed has the most amazing rejuvenating effect on me, its like a soul cleanser!  It was the perfect day warm in the sun but not hot. The beach was pretty much empty and we all had full tummies from a yummy lunch. It felt like a promise of the wonderful things to come as the weather warms and we have more adventures to the beach. Monkey made a new friend and they all enjoyed exploring the rock pools, drawing in the sand an just splashing with their feet. 

Perfect beachwear really!
She just didn't stop when she got to the rock pools.

Something in her mouth! 
 Bring on summer we are ready!

Exhausted at the end of the day, its time for a rest!
 Will post tomorrow about the party...."Octonauts to your stations!"

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