
Saturday, March 26, 2011

Black hole

I had one of those days this week. The ones I dread, the ones where I think is it going to start again. I woke  feeling lower than normal. I didnt want to do anything but climb under the covers and stay there forever. It wasnt a happy feeling. I have learnt to recognise this feeling, but it always seems to catch me off guard.

I am getting stronger. Each time it happens I am bouncing back faster, and I am learning new tricks to help me. On this particular day I learned a new trick, one that the kids loved. He-Man had left for work and I decided not to let it beat me. I have two beautiful children to be thankful for who inspire me to be the best I can be and I was not about to let them down. I cranked up the mucsic and we danced. We jumped around and spun and laughed. It was fantasitc. My favourite was Helen Reddys - I am woman. It has now been dubbed the "jumping" song by Monkey. We had it stuck in our heads for the rest of the day.

It ended up being a great day. Sometimes you need to just dance for your life, like no one is watching... And I really hope noone was!

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