
Thursday, March 10, 2011

Company's Coming

I feel like jumping for joy.. Im finally having someone local over to my apartment. I have missed having friends over. Missed having kids come to play, missed the conversations. But I haven't missed the white tornado I turn into to make my house look better. Its funny but even if I have just cleaned I always feel I need to tidy again just before company arrives. Although I will never have a house out of a magazine, it is usually clean and depending on the time of day tidy. Its lots better than it used to be as I think I've finally found the magic system for keeping it tidy - one that actually works for me. 

It doesn't bother me that the homes in the glossy house designer magazines look perfect, they have to look perfect to inspire you to buy things but why do the homes in parenting magazines always have to look perfect. Surely perpetuating the myth that having a perfectly clean and tidy house is the norm can't be good. I have two children who pull things out of drawers, drag their toys and clothes all over the house and are not always the neatest eaters (especially the self feeding 9 month old). My house is not perfect. It is clean but if you walked into my house now you would find washing on our bed ready to be folded, a pile of shoes and bags at the door and any number of toys out depending on the time of day, if you're lucky you might even find a half sewn outfit. However as I prepare for a visitor I find myself doing following my old routine of manic tidy. Maybe once I've made a good first impression I will relax... We'll see.. 

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