
Thursday, March 17, 2011

Take only photos, leave only footprints...

It is a grey and definitely colder day today. The string of hot days are behind us and there are now longer and longer periods of cold days occurring between the warm spells. I am liking this cooler weather which brings the need for light jackets and pants but isn't sooo cold we need to be wrapped in scarves and hats and gloves.

Today was a day for running and playing outside.. even if it was it long pants. It was perfect for footprints on concrete. We (read I) crushed up pieces of chalk and added water then with bear feet we made our prints. When they dried they looked just like ghost footprints...

These will wash away with the next rain but their impermanence is what makes them perfect for today.


  1. I love your chalk idea! That's brilliant - you're so clever with art/craft ideas! Btw, had our Melbourne friends over the last week with their wee man. The boys got on like a house on fire. So cute! Suggesting to K (again) we make a trip over at some point!

  2. (Sorry for over use of exclamation marks - hehe)
