
Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The long weekend..

Don't you just love it when a long weekend comes along right when you really need it... When you're exhaused by life and totally spent and you despirately need a recharge. Whil long weekends are always good these are the best! This weekend was one of those. Both He-man and I havebeen scraping the bottom of the barrel when it comes to our energy and time. Lack of sleep aside I think the move fiannaly caugh up with us... Its only taken 6 or 7 months.  This weekend we focused on us as a family, just enjoying the sun and each other.

Saturday was glorious... We meet an old friend for brunch at a local kiddy cafe. Chosen for the fact it had a play area and sold the scooters we wanted for Monkey. After a long relax catchup. Which was really needed for us all. We allowed Monkey to choose the scooter - black of course.. It looks a little Knight Riderish!!!. He couldn't wait to get going.

We had planned to walk along the water and get an ice cream later. It was fantastically hot and everyone we saw was out just enjoying being in the sun. No one seemed to mind the crazy boy learning to steer his new contraption. At least I was the only one he banged into.

We walked down to a lovely sand playground. It was perfect to watch the kiddos playing with dad. Miss Boo gets such a kick out of the swings and her happy smiles just egg us on. Monkey of course made instant friends with some others so he could share his and their toys!!

After we found the promised ice cream and boy it was good.. melting as fast as we ate it... too fast to even photograph!!!

The rest of the weekend was spent finding places to scoot near home just because we could, going for swings and swims and just soaking up being together. Tuesday meant a return to the daily routine but now the have-to's are not so bad. I have been recharged and refreshed and am finding the joy in thosee everyday have-to's!

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