
Friday, June 17, 2011

Party Time.....

Well it may be a month late but we have finally been able to have Miss Boo's party. And it was great fun. We had a couple of close friends and the kids had a ball. As usual I totally over catered but better that way then the other. The theme was lady bugs starting with invitations for which I gained inspiration from here.   
 I dont really feel games are necessary at this stage so instead had and activity for the kids to do when they got here. I had a bunch of foam mats and shapes for the kids to make pictures with. Really easy to set up and fairly easy to tidy up at the end as it was all contained on the mat (pretty much).

  I love making all sorts of things for a party. spending hours burning fingers putting feelers and eyes on bags is right up my alley. I made thank you boys bags and girls bags. They both had a lady bug chocolate, party blower, box of smarties, and a box of homemade strawberry smelling playdough. The only difference was that the boys bags had a Thomas magic facecloth in and the girls had a ladybug hair clip I made from this tutorial.

To help make the place more festive we got a disposable helium tank and balloon set from Spotlight. It was almost the same price as having the balloons done for you but there wasn't the hassle of He-man having to walk back from the shops holding 30- 40 balloons and trying to get them into the lift.  Would have been funny to watch though.

 Miss Boo looked the part in her beautiful dress from Aunty D. It was great for dancing in.

 The balloons were definitely a big hit with everybody. There is something magical about the colors and ribbons waiting to be pulled and dragged around the house. They make everybody smile.

It still amazes me that I have a little 1 year old, I think I blinked. She has such a beautiful and happy personality. I love watching her grow. 

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