
Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Visiting Cousins

Monkeys new best friend
The school holidays have started here in Aussie and with that we have finished attending both playgroup and Tennis till after baby is here.

The holidays this time round are a little different, aside from the lack on my part of being able to get out and about we are packing. Moving in less than two weeks, I have to get organised. Not an easy thing to do with baby brain and two helpers. Miss Boo loves putting things in boxes so I have to constantly check to see if anything is going in the wrong box. The thing that has caught Monkeys attention is that all the boxes are being colour coded with stickers. His first job was to choose the colour for each room in the new house and now he loves me finishing a box so he can put the stickers on. As of tomorrow the children will only have one type of toy out as all the rest are being packed ready to go. I might have to get inventive when it comes to activities especially as the weather seems to have turned horrible.

Food Thief!!!

This week we have also been lucky enough to have some of He Mans cousins visiting from NZ. They braved the trams to get to ours on Friday. The kids instantly seems to be best buds. They stayed for pizza. Tegen spent the whole of dinner trying to get the boys food from their plates even though she had her own. The boys were so upset when it was time for them to go that we made a second playdate for today. Monkey has been talking about it all weekend, and was sooo excited to see M and J again. The kids had a ball. There were lots of loud happy noises and running around. It is lovely to see our kids enjoying each other so much. Hopefully we will be able to catch up again sooner rather than later.

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