
Friday, July 15, 2011


Today the sun shone and I couldn't make the most of it. It was cold and crisp but with sun streaming down it was a day just begging for me to go for a walk, visit a park or go to the beach. Unfortunately this is not a possibility now so we headed to Js house for a morning play. It was lovely to get out of the house even if it was just across the other side of the building and watch the kids play. I think we have all been getting a little stir crazy.

 J has a daughter the same age as Miss Boo and the two of them had a ball following each other around. No I always like to take something when I visit friends and today was no exception.. It was a bit of a challenge as all the bowls measuring cups and baking trays are packed. I made brownies but had to guesstimate the ingredients. They came out pretty good considering they were mixed in a tupperware container and cooked in a roasting dish. Not quite as soft and chewy but yummy all the same and the kids loved them!

We spent the rest of the day just relaxing and going on holiday to Africa to ride the elephants. I didn't do any packing but hey well have a final burst over the weekend and will be already for the move on Monday. Then all I have to do is unpack!!!

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