
Thursday, June 23, 2011

No, no, no!

Having had my repertoire of activities I do with the kids almost completely axed for the next few months (ok 6ish) we have been finding it a little difficult being confined to an appartment with no real outdoor area. Keeping the kids entertained and not going stir crazy has been a challenge. We are still able to do our have to activities like kindy, tennis and until its becomes too sore playgroup, it just all the other stuff like zoo, park and aquarium visits that have been kyboshed. I am having to think very carefully about each thing we do and weigh up how necessary it really is. My list of "no" activities involves anything that requires walking, using steps, lifting or even crossing my legs. I know that if I keep doing these things too often the pain Im getting will only get worse and ultimately make this pregnancy and my post birth recovery extremely hard, but its hard to feel as tough I'm letting the kids down and not giving them the activity they need. So I have busted out my sewing machine with the intention of making some new things for us to use in our play at home. I can after all sew sitting down and therefore its an ok activity for me, though if they could invent a way for me to sew lying down it would be preferable in my therapists eyes.

Sorry for to blurry pic but light was bad and Miss Boo never stopped moving!
To start with I finally made a new cover for the dolls buggy. Our poor buggy has been without a seat for about 6 maybe 7 months and therefore been stashed in the back of the cupboard. Not much fun. Last night I made a new cover for it, it was quick and it doesn't have my usual neat finish but it works and best of all I changed the strap for elastic making it much easier to use. Today its been in use almost all day. All the dolls and teddies have been given zooming rides up and down the hall and round the bedroom. Tomorrow to fit in with our letter I'm planning to make a kangaroo tail for Monkeys dress-ups.

It even has teeth!!!!!

Last night I also managed to do Monkeys dinosaur shirt. I think it came out quite well and was so quick to do, I have some others planned already so stay posted.....

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