
Friday, April 6, 2012


It has not been the best good friday. Poor He-man woke with a doozy of a migraine. He hasn't had one this bad in a very long time. It was a write the day off, pretend he doesn't exist type of migraine.

So the kids and I got on with it. Not that getting on with it involved much as we are just starting potty training for Miss Boo, so we are home bound for the weekend while she gets the idea. Only 2 accidents today but I expect more tomorrow. She was very proudly telling daddy once he surfaced this evening that she doesn't wear nappies in the day anymore she wears undies.

Tomorrow hopefully we will all be on better form and can get some more fun stuff done.

As for the positive today I'm grateful to have my husband able to come downstairs and turn his computer on after such a horrible day.

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