
Saturday, April 14, 2012

Denim blue


not the best photo but he's howling off the new clothes I made him... Pants are fully lined and really cosy
And Eating...

Mmmmmm Peas and Zucchini
I have a list a mile long of things to sew for family and friends so bringing back from NZ almost all mums fabric collection and a pile of clothes I can repurpose from my mum-in-law has been great. I really have no excuse to go to buy new fabric now.. not that it has stopped me looking. Its dangerous living less than 5 mins from a fabric shop. I have been forcing myself to use what I have rather than get new...  

I wish I'd put a label tag in the time!
These ain't too pretty but do a great job

Anyone with a reflux baby will tell you that there is no such thing as too many bibs.. we go through at least 8 - 10 bibs a day around here and have done since Froglets birth. However after being used constantly for 4 months + they are beginning to get beyond manky so it was time for me to make some new ones. Conveniently my husband wore through the knees of his older jeans a week or so ago so I had the perfect fabric for the bibs. I also decided that there is no point in keeping my maternity jeans so decided to cut them up too. I made 6 bibs for Froglet all backed with super soft flannel and two art smocks for Miss Boo and Monkey. As soon as I'm out of my "fat post-baby jeans" (Im nearly there) I've got a project lined up for them too... I can't wait. Worn Denim jeans are so great for lots of projects that I might have to start pilfering other peoples once we run out. 

In the mean time I have a bunch of other things to sew for Miss Boo's birthday, some presents for friends and family, more clothes for the kids and some new burp cloths for Froglet. I can't wait to get started either.

This week has also been the week of Monkeys first sleepover at a friends. I was more nervous and had more of a hang up about it than Monkey did thats for sure... I didn't even get a good night or good morning call, he was having too much fun!  It did help having him able to stay with a friend he is so comfortable with. He and P love playing together whenever possible. We also got a chance to catch up with G and H whom we haven't seen for ages. G and Monkey always play really well together and Friday was no exception

G and Monkey playing dress ups.. yellow is his colour isn't it?
Meet happy husband off for the first Hockey game since moving here!

Movie night with the kids. 

1 comment:

  1. You're so clever! The denim bibs will be great.
