
Thursday, April 5, 2012


Right so my focus has been elsewhere lately. Partially on getting better post op but mostly on my family. Now that I have returned to being a fully functioning member of my family again I have been celebrating it and taking the time to be truly present with them.
At 4 almost 5 I've noticed that while monkey is fairly independent in most things he is craving interactive play. He loves playing very involved games with all sorts of rules or social structures, so while Miss Boo and Froglet sleep we have a chance to play alone. Today it was shops. The food is ordered according to colour, (something I've noticed he is fixated on, I even have to use matching pegs for the washing when he's around) it's changed regularly and sometimes you can't get what's on your list as it is out of stock. A lot of thought goes into how the store is set up. And when monkey is the customer he will have 3 or 4 lists to fill which eventually result in having everything he needs for us to have a picnic. Lots of forward planning going on here.
As for Miss Boo her coordination and balance seem to have made a leap and she is now has way more control when jumping on the tramp. Consequently she's on it at least 5 times a day.
Finally Froglet is getting stronger by the day and is currently chewing on anything he can find. We have tried a little food but there is absolutely no interest so we'll give it a break for another week or so.

Now although I've been taking a pic a day I'm not going to post them all right now so here is today's. The battle I'm not going to win!

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