
Wednesday, April 18, 2012


No picture today as I currently don't have my phone...
I think it somehow managed to fall out of my bag while I put the buggy in the back and I hadn't noticed so drove home. I did realise I didn't have it as I arrived home so went back to Monkeys kindy to look for it.. My happiness at being told that it had been handed in was short lived.. apparently it was run over about three times! Funny thing is that it still worked and would have been fine if it wasn't for the totally shattered screen. So now I have to wait for the insurance to sort it out.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Sneak peek

Here is a sneak peek of Miss Boos birthday outfit, I finished it today.

Monday, April 16, 2012


This morning we went for a walk to enroll monkey in school and on the way back stopped at the playground on the way to the playground I mentioned that there might not be many people there as it was so early. Monkeys only response was "good it will be nice to have some space to think".
After a hunt for pirate treasure, a pirate booty break, and watching the trench digger we headed off looking for colorful leaves. Miss boo and Monkey had a ball running through the leaves and finding colorful ones. It was such a great feeling just being able to enjoy that time together without having to rush to be anywhere.
When we got home, well this is what we did with them...

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Everybody dance now,

Miss Boo went to a trial ballet and tap class today with a difference... all the teachers dress as fairies.

Needless to say we will be starting on Thursday, though maybe with a slightly smaller fairy dress!

Denim blue


not the best photo but he's howling off the new clothes I made him... Pants are fully lined and really cosy
And Eating...

Mmmmmm Peas and Zucchini
I have a list a mile long of things to sew for family and friends so bringing back from NZ almost all mums fabric collection and a pile of clothes I can repurpose from my mum-in-law has been great. I really have no excuse to go to buy new fabric now.. not that it has stopped me looking. Its dangerous living less than 5 mins from a fabric shop. I have been forcing myself to use what I have rather than get new...  

I wish I'd put a label tag in the time!
These ain't too pretty but do a great job

Anyone with a reflux baby will tell you that there is no such thing as too many bibs.. we go through at least 8 - 10 bibs a day around here and have done since Froglets birth. However after being used constantly for 4 months + they are beginning to get beyond manky so it was time for me to make some new ones. Conveniently my husband wore through the knees of his older jeans a week or so ago so I had the perfect fabric for the bibs. I also decided that there is no point in keeping my maternity jeans so decided to cut them up too. I made 6 bibs for Froglet all backed with super soft flannel and two art smocks for Miss Boo and Monkey. As soon as I'm out of my "fat post-baby jeans" (Im nearly there) I've got a project lined up for them too... I can't wait. Worn Denim jeans are so great for lots of projects that I might have to start pilfering other peoples once we run out. 

In the mean time I have a bunch of other things to sew for Miss Boo's birthday, some presents for friends and family, more clothes for the kids and some new burp cloths for Froglet. I can't wait to get started either.

This week has also been the week of Monkeys first sleepover at a friends. I was more nervous and had more of a hang up about it than Monkey did thats for sure... I didn't even get a good night or good morning call, he was having too much fun!  It did help having him able to stay with a friend he is so comfortable with. He and P love playing together whenever possible. We also got a chance to catch up with G and H whom we haven't seen for ages. G and Monkey always play really well together and Friday was no exception

G and Monkey playing dress ups.. yellow is his colour isn't it?
Meet happy husband off for the first Hockey game since moving here!

Movie night with the kids. 

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

4 month stats

Visited maternal health nurse today for Froglet and he's growing well.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Mmmmm Chocolate.

When it comes to Easter chocolate do you let the kids gorge themselves on it all in one day or do you make them eat it slowly over a period of time? I wasn't sure which way to go this year. Eating it all in one day gets it out of the house and stops the constant "can I have an egg now?" situation. However making them ration it out teaches self discipline (according to He-Man) and prevents the sugar rush. We went with the second option but I have to say I think it's enforcing more self discipline in me than the kids as I am the one faced with the chocolate each time I open the fridge. I think they might know if I had a bit. Sundays positive pic has to be a double up.... Mmmmmmm Chocolate for breakfast!

Today was cold. Gloriously cold. Now I'm not one who likes the cold but today was good just cold enough for the heat to be on but not cold enough to make your nose freeze. I'm really enjoying autumn this year. It's no longer so hot you feel like you are going to melt when you go for a walk, and the leaves in the park are awesome. Monkey, Miss Boo and I are going to be breaking out the seasonal crafts this next few weeks so stay tuned.

Positive Pic: Love ducted heating!

Here is a sneak preview of Miss Boos Birthday preparations for next month!

Tigers made from foam sheets, goggly eyes and vivid!

Saturday, April 7, 2012


Right so random wrong number at 11.58 has reminded me to post my pic for today.
Froglets newest trick (started today) raspberries!!!!!

Friday, April 6, 2012


It has not been the best good friday. Poor He-man woke with a doozy of a migraine. He hasn't had one this bad in a very long time. It was a write the day off, pretend he doesn't exist type of migraine.

So the kids and I got on with it. Not that getting on with it involved much as we are just starting potty training for Miss Boo, so we are home bound for the weekend while she gets the idea. Only 2 accidents today but I expect more tomorrow. She was very proudly telling daddy once he surfaced this evening that she doesn't wear nappies in the day anymore she wears undies.

Tomorrow hopefully we will all be on better form and can get some more fun stuff done.

As for the positive today I'm grateful to have my husband able to come downstairs and turn his computer on after such a horrible day.

Thursday, April 5, 2012


Right so my focus has been elsewhere lately. Partially on getting better post op but mostly on my family. Now that I have returned to being a fully functioning member of my family again I have been celebrating it and taking the time to be truly present with them.
At 4 almost 5 I've noticed that while monkey is fairly independent in most things he is craving interactive play. He loves playing very involved games with all sorts of rules or social structures, so while Miss Boo and Froglet sleep we have a chance to play alone. Today it was shops. The food is ordered according to colour, (something I've noticed he is fixated on, I even have to use matching pegs for the washing when he's around) it's changed regularly and sometimes you can't get what's on your list as it is out of stock. A lot of thought goes into how the store is set up. And when monkey is the customer he will have 3 or 4 lists to fill which eventually result in having everything he needs for us to have a picnic. Lots of forward planning going on here.
As for Miss Boo her coordination and balance seem to have made a leap and she is now has way more control when jumping on the tramp. Consequently she's on it at least 5 times a day.
Finally Froglet is getting stronger by the day and is currently chewing on anything he can find. We have tried a little food but there is absolutely no interest so we'll give it a break for another week or so.

Now although I've been taking a pic a day I'm not going to post them all right now so here is today's. The battle I'm not going to win!