
Saturday, September 24, 2011


This week, with the announcement of our induction date being two weeks early I have started work on my to do list in ernest. I am sewing up a storm this weekend and hopefully getting it all ticked off so I can start on the new stuff next week.

Miss Boo has been wanting to sit on Mummy a lot the last few days. She makes a be line for me where ever I am sitting and insists "Up mumum" then proceeds to cuddle, pull faces at me and demand songs. I am loving these little moments we share. Her face is so expressive right now and when she thinks shes being cute or cheeky she pulls her shoulders up to her ears and pulls a closed eyes smile. I love the way kids feel so strongly and it is all etched on their little faces for the world to see.

Next week marks the beginning of school holidays for us. Im looking forward to just relaxing and trying to reduce my pain as this baby grows. "I WILL NOT end up on crutches" is my current mantra and anything I can do to reduce the chances is being done. No more vacuuming, no more going upstairs more than once a day (once Im down I dont go back till bed time - means I miss bedtime cuddles :-( ), I chop vegies sitting down and try not to bend too much. Researching this I have found that not ending up on crutches will mean I could reduce my recovery period by a few months so it is a good goal to aim for.

As for the kids over the holidays I am planning a lot of craft and at home activities as well as a few outings to visit friends where I can let them run without me having to worry. We will not be making any of our regular big trips to new parks or playgrounds. Its only for another 10 weeks then we can start returning to normal, I hope. The monkey and I are very excited to walk all the way around the Albert park lake this summer so I will have to get my strength back as soon as possible.

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