
Sunday, July 31, 2011

Lazy Sunday

Its been almost a week since the wonderful D left us after an incredible week. I was so happy to have such a good friend staying and helping me out. It was lovely having someone who loves my kids almost as much as I do around giving me a hand and just hanging out. The kids had a ball with her.

We broke out the bubble machine for a bit of a break.. Miss Boo has never seen bubbles like this, she was fascinated. It was great as they were kept busy for a little while while we did some more unpacking.

Over the weekend we hired a car and headed out to Ballarat Wildlife park and Sovereign hill, both places He-Man and I visited the last time we were here. We had had a ball and decided it was time for Monkey to pat a kangaroo. So the first stop was the wildlife park.

Boy these Kangaroos were hungry...

We even had a chance to meet a very cute and soft Koala..

After we headed to Sovereign hill where Monkey attended school, danced in the street and panned for gold. 

The following day we chilled out at home and then headed out to ScienceWorks. We love visiting this museum. The kids can really burn off a lot of energy running around and doing the activities both indoors and out. 

Finally the day before D left we headed over to the MCG. Not being a sport buff I wasn't too sure what to expect but it is truly an impressive stadium. Though the cafe is quite expensive! Outside the kids played with a ball in the puddles and sun. The perfect moment! After going for my 20 week scan we ended the day with dinner in Hardware lane.

This weekend we got a car. It isn't "our" car but it is a loaner until the new one is ready. Now that I have finally gotten my head around the fact we are going to need a car if I am to stay off crutches I cant wait to get our real one. He-Man head out and got new car seats on Saturday. The kids love them and were happy to test them out on Sunday.

I love days like today. Woke up a little later than usual. Spent time cuddling with Monkey reading stories in bed before having pancakes for breakfast. Then got ourselves organised and headed out to get stuff for Monkeys invites and look at a cupboard for the playroom. After we cruised down to Brighton for lunch and a play at the pirate playground. Our daughter is becoming a real dare devil. She has no fear going down the biggest slide she can without caring if someone is there to catch her as she flies off the end. Finally ice creams by the water before heading home to relax before dinner.

Check out the amazing view from the playground. 

Hope everyone has had a wonderful weekend. 

Monday, July 18, 2011

BIg Changes

Right now I am listening to my kid stalking and chatting while they go to sleep, fingers crossed. Its the first night in a very long time they have shared a room. Im not to sure how we go about getting them to sleep without keeping each other up constantly. At least with Monkey in the room Miss Boo is not calling out for us to keep her company!

The morning chaos!

For the last night Monkey got to sleep in Mummy and Daddys room.
Today we moved! I have moved a number of times in my life now. Each time my organisational skills are more refined and it is easier... That was until today! I was my usual organised self al boxes we colour coded to the room they were going in, all the furniture was dismantled and everything that could possibly be boxed up was! But man it is sooooo boring not being able to help with the move. As lifting and walking are off limits all I could do was sit and watch as piece by piece our lives were taken down the long winding carpark and placed into a truck. At the other end it was slightly more fun, as I got to direct where things went. Though I have to say I didn't get the happiest looks form our movers as I said once again "upstairs with that one please". 6.5 hours later we were in our new house with all our things, though for al my organisation I have no idea where to find anything!

My new hall... 

The lounge

Checking out the yard
I realised this morning that Miss Boo has now lived in 4 places in the short 14 months of her life. Thats a lot of change for a little girl. They say children adapt faster and easier than adults, and Im told not to worry they'll soon adjust, but Im just not sure. I do worry how all this moving and lack of consistency in home is effecting them. Hopefully we will be in this house for a few years at least. Bring on the normality and routine!
Snack time.. 

P.S. They're asleep... now its my turn night all.

Friday, July 15, 2011


Today the sun shone and I couldn't make the most of it. It was cold and crisp but with sun streaming down it was a day just begging for me to go for a walk, visit a park or go to the beach. Unfortunately this is not a possibility now so we headed to Js house for a morning play. It was lovely to get out of the house even if it was just across the other side of the building and watch the kids play. I think we have all been getting a little stir crazy.

 J has a daughter the same age as Miss Boo and the two of them had a ball following each other around. No I always like to take something when I visit friends and today was no exception.. It was a bit of a challenge as all the bowls measuring cups and baking trays are packed. I made brownies but had to guesstimate the ingredients. They came out pretty good considering they were mixed in a tupperware container and cooked in a roasting dish. Not quite as soft and chewy but yummy all the same and the kids loved them!

We spent the rest of the day just relaxing and going on holiday to Africa to ride the elephants. I didn't do any packing but hey well have a final burst over the weekend and will be already for the move on Monday. Then all I have to do is unpack!!!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Visiting Cousins

Monkeys new best friend
The school holidays have started here in Aussie and with that we have finished attending both playgroup and Tennis till after baby is here.

The holidays this time round are a little different, aside from the lack on my part of being able to get out and about we are packing. Moving in less than two weeks, I have to get organised. Not an easy thing to do with baby brain and two helpers. Miss Boo loves putting things in boxes so I have to constantly check to see if anything is going in the wrong box. The thing that has caught Monkeys attention is that all the boxes are being colour coded with stickers. His first job was to choose the colour for each room in the new house and now he loves me finishing a box so he can put the stickers on. As of tomorrow the children will only have one type of toy out as all the rest are being packed ready to go. I might have to get inventive when it comes to activities especially as the weather seems to have turned horrible.

Food Thief!!!

This week we have also been lucky enough to have some of He Mans cousins visiting from NZ. They braved the trams to get to ours on Friday. The kids instantly seems to be best buds. They stayed for pizza. Tegen spent the whole of dinner trying to get the boys food from their plates even though she had her own. The boys were so upset when it was time for them to go that we made a second playdate for today. Monkey has been talking about it all weekend, and was sooo excited to see M and J again. The kids had a ball. There were lots of loud happy noises and running around. It is lovely to see our kids enjoying each other so much. Hopefully we will be able to catch up again sooner rather than later.