
Tuesday, June 21, 2011


How do we become the parent we want to be? There are so many influences out there pushing and pulling us in various directions telling us this is how to have a happy child, a confident child or a calm child. Just when you think you have an idea of which way you want to go something else crops up to show you another better way.
Today was our maternal health nurse 12 month check up ( I know a month late - but we got there in the end) and while waiting for our appointment I decided to have a look in the library for some toddler and baby game inspiration as well as the obligatory stack of books for bedtime.
While looking for these I found book after book telling me the best way to raise a child, how to have the perfect child. It got me thinking about what has influenced the way I want to parent and if I am living up to my expectations or if I'm falling back onto old habits. When we began this journey we had some ideas, but not very defined ideas of how we wanted to parent. Initially I found that what my gut was telling me didn't always fit in with what others around me were doing. It took me a while to realise that this is ok and probably how a lot of others were feeling (we're all just faking it after all - aren't we??). Since then I have read books and spoken to various people finding what I instinctively agreed with and what I don't. It hasn't always been easy to parent in the way He-Man and I want but it seems that whenever I find my self moving in a direction that doesn't feel right, or i start to get lazy something comes along to re-inspire me. My parenting style will adapt to the changes in our lives but our core beliefs are now set. I realise we may not get it right all the time and some days maybe not even most of the time but we are getting there and I am proud of the people our children are becoming.

Now about the check up. Miss Boo is doing great surprising the nurse by "running" (her version) and just about climbing up everything she could find all the while babbling to us about it. It is nice to see her so comfortable around strangers, she even put her head forward to have it measured. Too cute. She's a bit above average for both height and weight (more so for weight, so I think we are in a store to grow phase). Overall it was a great visit.. now I  just have to get her immunisations done and all will be good - though she might not agree.

Showing off her tennis skills...
Raspberries on mummys face after a mouthful of milk is a favorite way to end the night for one Miss Boo. There is something about those milky lips that I just love. PFFFFFFTTTTTT!!!! and on that note "Goodnight and sleeptight!"

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