
Monday, February 21, 2011

Letting Go...

Yesterday was Monkeys first full session at kindy. He has been attending for the last 2 weeks, but not for the full 3 hours. It is a Montessori kindy which believes in easing children into the routine by slowly increasing the amount of time they spend there. Im not sure if this is for the childrens benefit or the parents (Monkey would have stayed for the full time on his won from day if given the chance).  Needless to say he loves it (so far) which is good. I however am finding it unnerving not knowing what he is doing when he's there. It must be the control freak in me  but  I have spent the last 3 years knowing what he is doing pretty much all the time and to suddenly be letting a chunk of his day be guided by another is a little disconcerting. I think the hardest thing is that monkey doesn't tell me what he does while he's there and as it is a Montessori kindy we are not able to watch as it interferes with the program. Maybe I am just nosey! I guess its time to start letting go...

Now all that said Monkey being at Kindy did give me a chance to get our weeks worth of Alphabet activities organised and a few dinners frozen for the coming weeks. Miss Boo spent the whole time sleeping so I had the time to myself. I am already beginning to plan things to do on future afternoons. So I am seeing the silver lining too.

Monkey was keen to start this weeks activities as soon as he got home so we did letter painting and circle stamping. 

Miss Boo had a great time exploring her first treasure box. Although this didn't contain a many natural items as I would have liked it was a good first start for her. Her favorite object was the square cookie cutter which she would hold and try to pass everything else through.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful pics!!!!! Love hearing about what 'monkey' and 'miss boo' are doing!
