
Monday, February 28, 2011


Today I had time to myself twice..

First I walked alone. It was only for half an hour and it was actually exercising, but It was the first time I have done this in ages. With monkey and Miss Boo I never really have the time to just walk. I went in the morning as the world was just waking up.. My favorite time. People were bustling off to work and the air wafting out of the the cafes was filled with the smell of fresh roasted coffee. The thing I really loved was having nowhere to go. I could just head in any direction I wanted as long as I turned around and came home.

Secondly I did a gym workout. Not something I relish doing but Im trying to view it as me time. It was hard, I huffed and puffed, I pushed and pulled and I'll no doubt be sore in the morning but I am pleased I did it. I am starting small, but I went.

With all this time to myself you'd think I would be able to enjoy space in my head but no I was, as usual, thinking about the kids, what we would be doing that day, what were they doing in the creche, and were they happy. I guess once you have kids your brain is never really your own again.

Friday, February 25, 2011

C is for Climbing....

Although not a playground in the strictest sense the Children's garden at Melbourne's Royal Botanic Garden is without a doubt a magical place. The space allows children the freedom to explore their natural environment and use their imaginations.

We found a pebbly river...

a bears cave, boulders to climb...

trees to hug...

 and a tunnel to run through.

This is an amazingly imaginative place for children and parents, we will be returning soon.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Today I am grateful that my friends and family are safe.

As you may or may not know yesterday tragedy struck New Zealand. A devastating earthquake measuring 6.3 hit Christchurch around lunchtime and as I write this there are still about 300 people unaccounted for.

Although some we know have lost their homes and are very shaken we are pleased that none of our family or friends are amongst those missing.  I cannot imagine what it would be like to be waiting for information, waiting to hear, hoping and praying if someone you loved or cared for was OK.

Tonight I will hug my children a little closer realising how lucky I am to know where they are and that they are safe and warm in their beds. My thoughts will be with those in Christchurch living through this.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Letting Go...

Yesterday was Monkeys first full session at kindy. He has been attending for the last 2 weeks, but not for the full 3 hours. It is a Montessori kindy which believes in easing children into the routine by slowly increasing the amount of time they spend there. Im not sure if this is for the childrens benefit or the parents (Monkey would have stayed for the full time on his won from day if given the chance).  Needless to say he loves it (so far) which is good. I however am finding it unnerving not knowing what he is doing when he's there. It must be the control freak in me  but  I have spent the last 3 years knowing what he is doing pretty much all the time and to suddenly be letting a chunk of his day be guided by another is a little disconcerting. I think the hardest thing is that monkey doesn't tell me what he does while he's there and as it is a Montessori kindy we are not able to watch as it interferes with the program. Maybe I am just nosey! I guess its time to start letting go...

Now all that said Monkey being at Kindy did give me a chance to get our weeks worth of Alphabet activities organised and a few dinners frozen for the coming weeks. Miss Boo spent the whole time sleeping so I had the time to myself. I am already beginning to plan things to do on future afternoons. So I am seeing the silver lining too.

Monkey was keen to start this weeks activities as soon as he got home so we did letter painting and circle stamping. 

Miss Boo had a great time exploring her first treasure box. Although this didn't contain a many natural items as I would have liked it was a good first start for her. Her favorite object was the square cookie cutter which she would hold and try to pass everything else through.