
Sunday, February 12, 2012

My positive year.

Life with three children is a little busy to say the least.

I have recently been inspired by a lady who spent a year taking daily polaroid pictures of things that made her happy. The project was called grateful365. She found that by focusing on the things which made her happy in her life on a daily basis she became a happier and more positive person. I have been thinking that this just might be a help for me too. While taking meds for PND works to some extent I need to feel a little more in control of my happiness. So I am going to attempt a similar project with my cell phone. Taking a picture with my phone and posting it to my blog a daily basis. My positive year starts now!

So picture number 1 is of the sidewalk art I walked passed which made me smile.

1 comment:

  1. What a great idea! Oprah did a similar thing with a gratitude journal - doesn't necessarily need to be written down - but just reflecting at the end of the day on what you were grateful for. I used to do it regularly while working a very dead end job as a student. Some days I was grateful I'd had a yummy lunch, sometimes it was something more spectacular but if you're looking for good things you will start to see things more positively.

    Btw, I love the balloon art!

    Annddd, looking forward to catching up soon :-)
