
Tuesday, February 21, 2012

New playgroup

Today we Miss Boo and I went to our new playgroup. This is the third time we've attended and the first that there have been some of the same people as the previous week.

It has been hard for me to find activities for Miss Boo and I to do, without monkey as most activities for toddlers are on in the mornings and we needed something for the afternoon while Monkey is at kindy. This playgroup is held at Apples and Jam a local arty party place which focuses on sustainable living. It is a beautiful environment. Hopefully we can make some local friends there.
Miss Boos first stop is the glue/craft table at the moment!!! 

Todays Positive Pic... I love watching my little girl being creative and happy

Getting ready.

The packing pile has started. Only 3 nights to go then we're off. I was going to use the same spreadsheet I'd used when we visited NZ last year but unfortunately when I lost my computers hard drive I also lost the file and my numbers application. Bugger. I don't have time to do another now so hopefully I'll remember everything using my hood ol' pen and paper method.

Check the new moshi headphones for the kids on the plane, especially designed for kids. I'll let you know how they work. Hopefully I won't be having to readjust them constantly like I do with the airline ones.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

The fabric sort

Is it sad that today my happy pic is fabric. I was recently inspired to sort my fabric collection, mostly because I couldn't find anything when I wanted it. I do wish I'd taken a before shot now as it looks so flash, but it may have been a little embarrassing to have shown the state they were in.

Now however......They are all rolled into bolt shapes on pieces of card. I do need some shallower containers that only hold one layer at a time ( making it easier to see what I have), but hey beggers can't be choosers and these are the containers I already had. They'll do for now.


This weekend I'm grateful for the friends I have made in the year and a half we have been here. The way they have embraced us and helped us to find a place in this beautiful city we now call home. This year I hope to widen that group further especially now I am getting back to normal (not pregnant) as well as cement the friendships I have.

As for Sunday. Baby breath do I need to say more.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Double up

Well I took my positive pic yesterday but time got away from me and I didn't get round to posting it.

So yesterday's pic is because I made it to the gym and really enjoyed having the time to myself.

As for today. Got to love pink headbands on Miss Boo. Finally she has enough hair to do something with and likes to put things in it. (edited 70s look with Camera+)

Wednesday, February 15, 2012


This evening I have been going through the recovered images (93000) from my old computer trying to find any pictures from the first day of Froglets life.... And although I still have a long way to go but my positive pic is...

Tuesday, February 14, 2012


My happy pic may not look like much to anyone but is the result of some serious sorting of monkeys lego. Sorted by colour and piece shape. We are over half way through.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Today we were sick

Today was a yucky day. Sick in bed but at least it's only a 24hr thing for me as He-man had it on Saturday and on Sunday he was fine. Monkey however might be a bit worse with a temperature. Fingers crossed tomorrow we are better.

Today's positive pic (oh I like how that sounds...positive pic) is of froglet. Today he did his first real laugh. Not a chuckle a real laugh, at his daddy no less. Made me feel a 100 times better instantly. (taken with camera+ an awesome app designed by my friend L's amazing hubby)

See you tomorrow.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

My positive year.

Life with three children is a little busy to say the least.

I have recently been inspired by a lady who spent a year taking daily polaroid pictures of things that made her happy. The project was called grateful365. She found that by focusing on the things which made her happy in her life on a daily basis she became a happier and more positive person. I have been thinking that this just might be a help for me too. While taking meds for PND works to some extent I need to feel a little more in control of my happiness. So I am going to attempt a similar project with my cell phone. Taking a picture with my phone and posting it to my blog a daily basis. My positive year starts now!

So picture number 1 is of the sidewalk art I walked passed which made me smile.