
Friday, January 6, 2012

Im in Love!!!!

The new man in my life is now almost 5 and half weeks old and perfect in every way!

Meet Froglet!
11 days old.
check out the eyes.. now I know most kids have blue eyes to start but mine don't seem to.... will they stay or change to brown???
I don't have many photos from his birth as we lost most of the photos from his first two weeks when my hard drive got damaged and I lost photos that hadn't been backed up (My usual backup failed, without me knowing!). I have a few from my mum and some that I had uploaded to Facebook but thats it. We are still hoping we can resurrect them...

We have been spending the last 5 weeks getting to know Froglet and enjoying being able to spend some time together as a family without me feeling horrid all the time. I will never again take for granted the ability to run up and down the stairs without pain!
This christmas was our first on our own (no parents or anything). Although I love having big family christmas's it was nice to be able to just do things at our own pace especially after the last year.
Kids waiting for breakfast!
The kids in their Christmas Outfits, Thanks to Mum!
Our first Christmas dinner on our own.
This is by far my favourite thing about Christmas Dinner.... Trifle, again the first time I've made one. Yummy!

While He-Man was off work for the holidays we were able to hang out at home and go on a few adventures with the kids. We had a trip to Werribee Open range Zoo.
Sister love!
New Lego for Monkey
Bike for me!!!

Playing with the music maker at Werribee.

The challenges of multiple kids!
On Safari
My little drummers
And we went on a trip down the coast to Frankston to the Sand Sculpture Exhibition and The Enchanted Maze Garden.

The sand sculptures were amazing.. They are simply sand that has been compressed and carved. At the end of the exhibition they are bulldozed down.

The Enchanted garden was also wonderful. We could have spent the whole day there and cant wait to go back.

One of the amazing mazes

The fairy garden!
The world is returning to normal this week with He-Man going back to work and I am loving the simple routine and repetitiveness of it all. It is giving me time to reflect on all that I am grateful for in my life.